Royal Courts of Justice Clerking.

Royal Courts of Justice Clerking

We understand the difficulties faced by regional law firms dealing with the London courts and tribunals from a distance. It can be costly in terms of both time and money if you need to send staff to London to carry out instructions in court.
We have vast experience of the London Courts, meaning we can offer you the benefit of our knowledge of the each court’s procedures and practices. The team are available at short notice to attend at the Royal Courts of Justice on your behalf.

Assisting You

The team are able to assist you in the following ways:

  • Issuing proceedings and applications
  • Filing documents
  • Applying for leave to present a bankruptcy petition in the High Court
  • Attending appointments
  • Attending hearings/trials to keep a watching brief
  • Obtaining copy documents
  • Obtaining updates as required
  • Carrying out searches at court

The London office is only a 4 minute walk from The Royal Courts of Justice and the London County Court, which makes it easy for us to assist you with drawing and sealing orders, issuing claims and petitions, issuing applications, and filing and lodging your documents, meaning you do not need to travel at all.

An Efficient and Effective Service

Tremark Associates is one of the UK’s leading legal support agencies, working closely with the London courts on a regular basis. This helps us to provide you with an efficient and cost effective service. if you would like further information, contact us today.

If you would like more information about our Royal Courts of Justice Clerking Service, please contact us today.